苏州同里小吃介绍? 苏州特产英语介绍?

1. **闵饼**:这是同里古镇的地理标志糕点,已有400多年的历史。闵饼色泽黛青,油而不腻、清香滑糯。历史上,它曾远销海外。这种糕点原是同里闵家湾“本堂斋”的特产,制作方法仅闵氏一家知晓,因此被称为“世传之业”。
2. **芡实**:芡实是一种常见的中药材,但在同里古镇,它也被制成了各种美味的小吃。
3. **袜底酥**:这是同里古镇的另一特色小吃,香脆可口。
4. **状元猪蹄**:这是一道传统的苏式菜肴,猪蹄经过精心烹饪,味道鲜美。
5. **酒酿小圆子**:这是一种甜点,由糯米团子和酒酿制成,口感软糯,甜而不腻。
6. **青团**:这是春季的特色小吃,主要在惊蛰后至清明前上市。青团外皮柔软,内馅香甜,是苏州人春季的“不时不食”之一。
二、苏州特产英语介绍?suzhou,a city known for its classical gardens,is also famous for its local specialties. here are some popular suzhou特产 in english:
1. suzhou silk (suzhou silk): suzhou has a long history of silk production,and its silk products are renowned for their smooth texture and vibrant colors.
2. suzhou embroidery (suzhou embroidery): as a form of chinese traditional art,suzhou embroidery is characterized by its细腻 workmanship and intricate designs.
3. suzhou painted fans (suzhou painted fans): these hand-painted fans feature beautiful scenes of nature,landscape,and folk tales,making them a unique and elegant souvenir.
4. suzhou tea (suzhou tea): the region is known for producing high-quality tea leaves,which are used to make various types of tea,such as green tea,black tea,and oolong tea.
5. suzhou jellyfish (suzhou jellyfish): a local delicacy,these dried jellyfish are a popular snack and are often served as an appetizer or side dish.
6. suzhou noodles (suzhou noodles): thin and delicate,these noodles are made from wheat flour and egg,and are commonly served in soup or stir-fried dishes.
7. suzhou dried shrimp (suzhou dried shrimp): these crispy and savory shrimp are a popular snack and can be eaten on their own or used as an ingredient in various dishes.
with their rich history and unique flavors,these suzhou特产 make great gifts or personal treats.
三、用英语介绍苏州?suzhou is a city located in the eastern part of china's jiangsu province. it is a major economic and cultural center,known for its picturesque scenery,rich history,and high standard of living.
四、关于英语小吃的介绍?当谈到英语小吃时,有许多令人垂涎欲滴的选择。其中,最受欢迎的可能就是炸鱼和薯条(fish and chips)了。这是一道经典的英国小吃,由新鲜的鱼肉裹上面粉炸至金黄酥脆,再配上热腾腾的薯条,味道绝佳。此外,还有传统的英式早餐(full english breakfast),包括烤香肠、烤培根、烤蘑菇、烤西红柿和烤面包等,营养丰富,让人一饱口福。另外,英式下午茶(afternoon tea)也是英国著名的小吃文化之一。下午茶通常包括各种小点心,如三明治、司康饼(scone)和水果挞等,再搭配上一杯香浓的英式奶茶,让人感受到英国独特的下午茶文化。总之,英语小吃种类繁多,味道各异,每一道小吃都有其独特的魅力和文化背景。无论是品尝当地美食还是感受异国文化,英语小吃都是一个不可错过的选择。
五、苏州园林英语介绍?the classical gardens suhou is located in the southeastern part of jiangsu province.the city was established as the capital of the state of wu during the warring states period of the eastern zhou dynasty,c.476-221 bce.
鸡茸油菜心的制作材料:主料:鸡胸脯肉100克,油菜心250克辅料:火腿15克,扒?00克调料:料酒15克,盐3克,味精2克,淀粉(玉米)3克,植物油30克鸡茸油菜心的特色:鲜嫩,白,绿两色。鸡茸油菜心的做法:1. 先将鸡脯砸成细茸泥,用适量鸡汤?开,扒褰辆龋?br />
2. 将油菜心用开水焯过,渌辶梗じ伤谐沙?2厘米,宽0.8厘米的条放在盘中,加入绍酒,盐,鸡汤,味精调好口味,上屉蒸10分钟取出,倒出原汤扣在盘中;3. 勺内加适量油,放葱,姜炒香,倒入对好的鸡茸,盐,味精,拣去葱,姜,加适量明油,倒在蒸好的油菜上即成
十、介绍苏州的英语作文初中?--intro to suzhou:
suzhou is a famous city of eastern china's jiangsu province,lying about one hour north-west of shanghai.
dubbed as both "paradise on earth" and "venice of the east".
it is famous for its natural beauty and classic gardens; these are the city's main attraction.

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原文地址: 苏州同里小吃介绍? 苏州特产英语介绍? 发布于2024-06-13 11:46:37
